what's with all the "hub" a loo, it's only the Unity: Unity Tutorial week 6

Unity Tutorial Weeks 6

Well hello again to all of you Lads, Ladies, Chaps and all in between to yet another another one of my little book of blabbering known as my Blogs. So it's that time of the week again when I look into and give a little bit of an update on the creation of all different things in the big and open world of the Unity Game engine creator software thingamajig to learn about more confusing stuff that might culminate into with the phrase of "huh, that doesn't seem too bad to learn" or the option of "I just can't get this and I am at a point of ripping my hair out in Stress". So without a further ado, let us begin.
(what have we learned this week?)
So, we have made a lot of learning tutorials over the last few weeks when it comes to the learning of how Unity works and using assets to make a tester game that will help us when we are making our own proper game down the line (when I feel that I have a complete control over the engine itself that is, and when I will find a time of day to just focus on Unity itself and try to learn everything better when I am not focused or worrying about many different things and become better accustomed to it all). So this week saw the return of the tutorial of the ol' chap Jimmy Vegas as he continues to teach us the intricacies of the Unity Game engine. So what we have learned from him so far has been the basic layout of Unity itself, we learned how to make the equivalent of mountains out of molehills, created digital vegetation, being able to move around as an unknown entity that we call our "main character", we have created a large spinning Blue Gem that would give Dr. Robotic / Eggman a big old happy grin on his moustached face. We have even made an element of water and we made a working clock that made me think that "time" wasn't wasted on making these work (I do enjoy cracking myself up with terrible puns, chaps). But for this week we are learning to make a collection of a few things. The first of the tutorials we are learning to make a hud for the character to follow. A hud is essentially a little radical that is placed in the centre of the screen to emphasise where a character line of sight is looking or is aiming at if it's the likes of a first person shooter. In the same tutorial we learned how to also make a text to appear when you hover over something that can be interacted with in the world with a bit of text to show what you are trying to interact with, which to be honest is kind-of useful and I may use that for the game that I had in mind. (that if you haven't seen already, check it out here.

The second of the three tutorials that I have gone through for this week is when we take a shift from just a walking simulator adventure to finally giving us what we wanted: something to cause intense Violence with. What I mean by this is that we are given the opportunity to create a weapon of our choosing in this tester game that we seem to be making. For the creation of this we are given a particular set of assets to help us to craft the simple axe and at a point of going through the tutorial and trying to make the actual thing myself (which is a tricky thing to learn when trying to work out the kinks of the previous tutorials still (it's a bit of a slow process but I am getting there)) there was a point where I thought to myself "by jove, this new realistic Minecraft update is the Bee's Knees". But it wasn't just making a weapon to have in front of you as a decoration, you want to have a chance to swing it around and feel the weight of it in your non-existent pixel hands that you have created and luckily this tutorial has also given us that option to make it happen using the old C-script assets to help us give the axe a good hard swing at the environment. So if any NPC that have appeared in this world sees a floating axe just swinging itself around, their best option is to run.

The last of the three tutorials is of more of the elements to add to the tester world that we are making through these tutorials itself. This last one focuses on making sure that the concept of making the weapons and our character doesn't clip through the land's assets like being able to walk through solid objects like brick walls, Trees or even Mountains themselves and make it feel more "realistic" in a created digital world. It also teaches us to add more sounds and effects to many different assets that we already have previously (like the sound of walking or picking up the big blue diamond) by making sounds for using our Axe to attack and swing around and make contact of something in the world which makes it feel like you are making a difference to the tester world you are making and that difference is through Violence.

I have learned a lot of stuff from going through these tutorials this week and of course I have come across some challenges along the way (to add to the pile that I will try and overcome in the future of making stuff for Unity, which as I said, I will find a day or long period of time to sit down in a free Mac Lab or if my Mac at home will eventually download the Unity game engine developer and doesn't stop downloading after a lengthy progression made for it) mainly with making C-script assets connect and function in my tester world and making sure that assets work right. But I know that it all comes down to practice and learning the ropes to the creation of all these assets, elements or items in the world we are making to test and that hopefully, after a lot of focus on learning these tutorials, going through them multiple times and getting to know the interface of the programme itself, I hope that it will help in the creation of the game idea that I have been developing for the last few weeks and make it work out into something truly special (again the link to my idea is above in the highlighted text).

All in all, I have learned a lot more from the next wave of Unity tutorials that have been presented to us and I hope that as I said, I will learn a lot from it, I will practice more and more using this engine and that I will be able to master the Unity Game Creator engine in no time and be able to make my madcap game ideas in no time. Well that will do it from me for another day chaps, I have a train to catch to Sleepytime Junction, as all of these Unity Tutorials and Chin Waggling can really tire an old sport out. So I am off and until next time.


(Also, I will add photos of trying to progress through the unity and these tutorials, I haven't forgotten and I will when I have a better grasp and made an effort with creating these assets so I won't forget them I promise (eventually))


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