when you wish upon a star a game concept will come to you

My game concept

Well hello again to you all, lads and ladies and to all in between to another one of my little bit of blogger fodder. So today's blog is a bit of a continuation of a previous blog of mine (in case you may have missed it, here is a link to it: https://fancymansam.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-art-of-game-brainstorming-game-ideas.html, just if you want to see my other ideas) but today i will choose down to just one option that I will make into a game and I will explain it too you now.

(how it looked to think of my game idea)

So I have had a bit of time to think about the concept of what i want to do and let me tell you, chaps, it was not easy. From deciding between a game about demon black eyed children and the banshee, a game about a cartoon that I have been developing for about maybe 3 years (I will tell ya all about t someday, if ya's have the time), a dating sim and a journey for dreams and after getting a bit of feedback to it all I decided to do a game on the Journey of Dreams. It was very close between that and the Horror one but, who knows that could be my next one, I mean there is a lot to learn down the road.
(the planets aligned and it all made sense)
When I looked deeper into the concepts, I looked at the other concepts and i felt that I could be so imaginative with this concept as with dreams, the only limit would be a person's imagination. The main concept can go with two ways that can be incorporated into one. Essentially the story would focus on a kid who wouldn't know what his dream is, whereas all of their friends have one. In this time of confusion he turns to the one thing that may help him which is to wish upon a star, and they choose the biggest one in the sky to be their wishing star. But then they notices that all the stars in the sky seem to be fallen to the ground or disappearing all of a sudden and that their wishing seems to be drifting away and they realise that if their wishing star doesn't stay then he will never have their answer to what their dream will be. So they go on an emotional and magical journey to find out why all the stars are falling / disappearing from the sky and to help them discover what their dream really is through their journey of meeting strange and colourful characters that will help them on this journey through this colourful and wondrous land to fix the stars and find a dream.

In terms of how the game would play, it would be a story of discovery, magic, love, emotion and imagination with the gameplay of a journey that I would feel would be the vein similar to the likes of games like Journey and Inside, with a added mix of puzzle solving added to it. The main adventure to find the stars again is kind-of inspired by a song known as "Starlight Brigade" by a band known as TWRP (which you check out here: https://youtu.be/J9Q3i5w6-Ug) which sees this strange prism steal the universes stars and a team of space flight heroes go to retrieve them. Lastly if I were to say at a stretch their would be parts of this game that would be in sync to the likes of music that would emphasise the concept of important moments. This music would be inspired by the awesome music levels of Rayman Legends ( which you can check out here to get an idea: https://youtu.be/yT6XOfy2gEE). I just hope that everything and my continuous learning of game development with game engine I can see this game come to life and hopefully works out in the end. 

(who is taking all the stars?)
(going on a magical adventure)
(a journey of discovery and puzzle solving)
(a journey of self-discovery)

Well that is all I have to talk about with that concept. I hope that you will follow me on the journey to create this game idea that i have in mind. I know that it might not be easy and it may take some time, but I feel that it is all in the journey to discover what you really means to make a game. Well I am heading off, so until next time.



  1. Hi sam!
    THIS GAME IDEA IS SO COOL! I absolutely adore this game already.

    The part about the stars falling from the sky when the character wants to wish is what caught my attention. I did not expect that turn of events at all.

    My concern is that the storyline seems to jump a bit at the moment. Is there a way that maybe you could link the space heros to the beginning of the story?

    also when the space heros go into space, does the character go with them to help retrieve the stars, or is this something of a choice for the player to decide?

    I cant wait to see how this game turns out,


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