Welcome to my Blog

Good Day to you all!

Welcome to you all lads and Ladies. I hope everything is truly fantastic and absolutely splendid. Before we go any further I would like to humbly introduce myself to all of you have come across my little blog here. So my Name is Fancy Man Sam or you can simply call me Sam if it makes thing easier and I would like to welcome you all to my blog of whimsical wonder and what not.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. So I am 19 years of age (even if I talk and if you met me in the flesh I would've looked older to you) and I live in the Peaceful lands of Ireland. If I were to describe myself more I would say that I am a very friendly, approachable, lovable, yet socially awkward, shy and I would also say secretive as, the sad truth, I don't have that many people that I talk to as at a certain point they just seem to disappear and the only people that would know a good bit about me would be my family and probably one other person that i know, but I am not going to say who. I currently am in a college course all about Media and the many different areas that are part of it are what we are taught throughout the years and I look forward to what they have to give.

I love all things that come to media. I am definitely a huge movie buff and I enjoy a lot of genres of film, especially Animation and Action films. If I can think of my favorite film from both animation and action it would be "Monsters Inc" for animation and either "The Dark Knight, Planet of the apes (reboot trilogy) or Mad Max Fury Road" for action.

When I'm not watching movies, it might be more tv shows. The most recent show that I have watched was "Steven Universe" which had been on my list for a while now and I am so glad that I have found this show as it is such a major step in tv shows in my opinion. But I do watch a lot of shows that I don't know what my favourite would be.

I do love me some video games and there is such a wide variety when it comes to that area. If I can personally say I do love any game that the juggernaut of a company known as Nintendo bring out every year, like I am looking forward to them releasing Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and so many more. I also very much love any game that has a deep story to them, like anything from Naughty Dog or Rockstar games. I am very much looking forward to big story games like Death Stranding and especially The Last of Us Part II.

I also I would say have a very weird taste in music if you can call it that. I can't really get into much of the modern music of today but I do love a lot of classic 70s-90s music. I also love a lot of soundtracks from Movies, TV shows and video games. But if I had to say that I do listen to a band or musician of the modern day it would be in more of the comedy realm of music of the likes of Weird AL, The Loney Island, Planet Booty, TWRP (or TupperWare Remix Party) Starbomb but my all time favourite band has to be Ninja Sex Party. I just love them so much and I just recently seen them live for the first time on their first ever international tour and they were phenomenal and I got to meet them which is a bonus. Two of my favourite songs from them and one from a collab with TWRP are "Cool Patrol", "Heart Boner" "Danny Don't you know" and their collab of "Starlight Brigade".

When I'm not playing games or watching stuff, I would be delving into the world of art and doing a lot of sketching and what not in my off time. It would be more of in the form of animation then in real life style because why not (and because they usually look really weird) and I learn to improve as I continue to sketch. Here is just two examples of what I have image wise available at the time.

If I can have a hope for the future is that through a lot of things including this lovely little blog here I hope that I can make something that will change the world and that it helps to improve everything around us in some way shape or form. I also hope that I will fall in love with someone (I may know who I hope will be but I'm not saying who that is) and we live a very happy life together and there are a lot more that I would hope will happen but I will go on for who knows how long.

So, what can you expect to see from myself and my little blogs of wonder. Well at first it might seem odd at first but my blog will be, at first mainly consist of one thing: my opinion on Video Games. I know it seems a bit poppycock for someone of this name to be doing but I must say, it is undoubtedly one of my favourite hobbies and pastimes and I hope that by the time you have read all the way through at least one of my reviews that I have written that you will there saying: well Bob's your uncle that truly was the bee knees.

Well that is all I have to say right now. Now if you'll excuse me, it appears that my tea is ready so I must go now. I hope to see some of you again for more of my wondrous and whimsical blogs.



  1. Hi sam,
    I really enjoyed your blog and the overall layout of your blog is excellent fair play I do also love monsters inc it is a great film hahaha I also love a lot of Nintendo games like yourself even though I do not play a lot of games animal crossing and all the Mario games would have to be my favorites as i have played them since I was a child I also love drawing and just being overall creative anyway ill leave it there hope to read more of your blogs in the future.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yo Sam!
    I just came to your blog to comment and I have to say I love the style you picked for your blog's layout. I played and loved a lot of Nintendo games in my lifetime even played a lot of the old NES times (yes, that includes the bootlegs). Too bad I don't have to money or time to play much game anymore besides the ones I already have.
    I love drawing as well. Although they sort of just revolve around just Anime stuff. I wanted to do animation but that's too much of a stretch so I went to do manga instead. Love the effort you put into your work, man. Keep it up!

    Have a nice day!

    P.S. made a typo in my previous comment, sorry -_-"

  4. Whats Good Sam

    I really enjoy your blog and the layout of your blog. I believe that you have a very artistic and creative mind with a crazy amount of imagination, so I can only imagine the type of game you will come up with or make. I really like the amount of effort you put into your blogs and also the drawings are amazing I do not know how you can draw the characters so well I can recognize a few of them anyway. I just wanted to come here and wish you luck on your game making and brainstorming process not that you will need it but regardless. Enjoy your weekend.


  5. Hey sam

    I loved reading your blog and i now have a better understanding of you.I love some of the drawings you have shown they look amazing.I just came to wish you the best of luck and to keep doing what your doing it great.


  6. Hello Sam
    I really liked your introduction post it’s a good way for people in our year to get know you. I also really like the layout of your blog it has a nice design. You seem like you really like drawing I was never any good at it but it seems like your really good at it. Good luck
    Jamie Gannon

  7. Hey Sam,

    It was cool to read about you, we seem to have very similar interests. I also love any game that has a cool story to it and I really enjoyed The Last of Us, I hope that part 2 lives up to the first one though I'm sure it will. I adore Ninja Sex party and you are so lucky that you got to go see them live and meet them, I'm so jealous.

    -Casper :)

  8. Hello Sam, I see you really like to draw. I myself draw too and I really enjoy your art style and what your yourself draw for yourself. Its interesting getting to learn more about you. In regards to music, I really really like Weird Al Yankovic too. I think his music is beautiful, unique and timeless. I hope the rest of your blog is as exciting as this.

  9. Hey Sam,

    It was really interesting finding out some new things about you, I also like Monsters Inc, The Planet of the Apes Trilogy and Mad Max Fury Road.

    I also love music from the 70s-90s as I grew up listening to it from my parents, nowadays popular music is just gone to the dogs!

    I also really enjoyed having a look at your sketches, great job!

    All the best,



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