updating your skills is critical to your success

Well hello hello hello again to all of you lovely lads, ladies, Chaps, ol'sports and to everyone else in between to another new addition of "Sam's chin waggles" and the second blog coming to you live from the lockdown (well to some of you it is but for me, I haven't had the time to self isolate during all of this). Anyway, I hope you are all doing well chaps in this very stressful time that we are experiencing right now and have been keeping yourself safe. As for me well I haven't had that chance as I have been in work constantly since this whole lockdown began as my place of employment has been described as an "essential" shop during this so there is no signs of stopping for me at this rate and I have a lot of things to get done in the process. Now with that out of the way let's get to discussing the concepts when it comes to writing more of this very elaborate and interesting book on all thing game design and Development, so with Introductions out of the way, let me start up the engines on the chin waggling and get to it then.

(sometimes when you are exhausted and just need a break but you can't have it it can feel like this)

So, like always with any of these chin waggles discussing about the game design book I will always start with a rundown on what we have discussed so far over the last few weeks. So it all started a while back where we had all joined together to discuss the concept of what we will be making over the course of these next few weeks which lead to the concept of writing a book all about the concept of Game design and Development that would be written by all of us as a collective project because team work makes the dream work. Following from that we then gave a summarise view of what we have to discuss and be writing about for this book (in my case it was what is a game world and the concept of Indie Game Development) and how we will go about our research on our chosen topics (with the at first confusing yet very helpful Arts Matrix). The following week we then discussed the more in depth discussion of how we will go about our research method for the writing and getting more accustomed to the Arts Matrix so that we can have a place to store our primary sources in one simple place so that we can come back to it when we need it (which does remind me I have to send all of those Arts Matrixs of the research primary sources that I am using to continue to write my topics when I get the chance as I said I have been very busy as of late). Following on from that we then took a step back to analyse our research sources that we have gathered to see if we need more sources to use in our topics and if any of them can be taken out or replaced with something that is more reliable  we also gave a layout idea of what we plan to do our writing in (essentially take our research questions that we want to discuss and place them in the order of writing them). Following from this we then discussed in two part blogs about the whole importance of the body paragraphs being the main focus over the introduction and conclusion of the section and then to also establish the importance of adding to a body paragraph if it is too long or too short and the importance of need to keep a focus on the whole process of keeping the writing focused on the question that you are writing about and not getting confused and writing two different topics in one when they are established for two different paragraphs topics. Lastly after the whole lockdown happened and the reading week break happened as well (which is when the non stop work started for me) was then to discuss the importance of establishing the beginning and ending of each section that you are writing and establishing a conclusion or start for a chapter if your section is the beginning or ending of one. It is also in these last few blogs where it was the importance to talk to your fellow colleagues who you are contributing in the chapter or chapters with to make sure that you are not writing about the same sections as them so that it doesn't repeat itself in the same chapter. Now enough of a history lesson let's discuss the importance of analysing your critical writing skills to make sure everything sound even more professional then you think it is at first glance.

Now when it comes to any writing whether you are writing a book, you are writing an essay thesis on the concept on how the importance of Animation has really advanced in the forms of talking about serious topics and of representation (it's not really in connection to this, it's something that I am doing on the off time eventually when I will have the time to do so) or trying to establishing or writing an email about trying to get stuff done when you literally have no time to get them all done due to the sudden increase of a majorly busy schedule that has made itself present because of current events or even writing these extensive blogs that I do ever so enjoy chaps, it's important to take note about the concept of the way you speak and the way that you write them as well. What do I mean by this you may ask, well it is simple really. What I am establishing here is that when your are writing something you have to establish three basic things: Voice, Tone and Citation which would culminate together to help make what you're writing about much more clearer and interesting that will help to get more people interested in your writing. Allow me to break them all down in more understandable terms of the three.

So let's start with one of the most important thing that everyone should have of their own: a voice. Sometimes everyone has their own opinion or wants to take their own perspective on what they were discussing with a fellow colleague or so or maybe you have an idea of something and you want to get it out there and see if their is a similar opinion to others, then that is where it is time to let your voice be heard because others won't know what you feel about certain things unless you let your voice be heard and send a message.

(you gotta speak the truth)

Now with every one having a voice of their own it is also important to establish the distinct tone to any writing as well because if it's something that should be taken serious and important it shouldn't have a very calming and peaceful tone to it throughout all of it as it needs to have more of a serious tone with a sense of not being too serious so that you are not frightened to read on. It is really important to have a distinct balance between tones that help to establish more of an understanding for what they want to talk about and not to confuse them with just multiple random emotion tones that will put everyone in a sense of confusion.

(this can also be used in person but it is also be careful when doing so)

Lastly this may not be part to certain writing types but in terms of this book on the topic of Game Design and Development it's important to use the establishment of Citations. Now Citation in its simplest terms Is described as a reference to a published or unpublished source. It's important that with in terms of writing my two selected topics for said book it's all down to the use of those references that you have found to establish a helpful point from the reading of an article, an opinion piece, a blog and even the likes of a college thesis it's important that parts of the said citation or reference can help you to make your point valid or of an example to help with certain topics to help give your writing much more of a reliable backup topic of discussion.

(It is a great feeling when you have your writing expertly established with references to other pieces to help to give it more of a personality)

By adding the important aspects of Voice, Tone and a good amount of citation references and mixing them all together, it will help with the likes of making any piece of writing, whether it is writing a book, a thesis or even an email or a blog. Anyway that is all that I have to say on the matter at hand of the importance of looking over the notes and writing that you have and then establishing those important aspects to make them better. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time that I get back to work again (can't stop, won't stop until I drop in Exhaustion). So until next time 

-Sam H
