no matter what even every thing and every Body needs an upgrade

Well hello hello hello again to all of you lovely Lads, Ladies, chaps, ol sports and everything else in between to another edition of Classy Man Sam's Classy Reviews (more reviews coming soon) coming to you live from self Isolation (which is in some sense the same old same old for me anyway) from a lockdown. Now before I get into this blog let me just reiterate some stuff l, specifically the placement of this blog. So, at the time of writing the previous one on the Introduction and Conclusion of any chapter or topic, that one was originally labelled as the week 6 one and this one was labelled as the week 8 one which is this week. However since then that has changed and is now implemented this as week 6 reading blog and the other as week 8 (I will update when I can on that change and just to clear things up chaps). Anyway with that out of the way let's cut to the chase and talk about some updates and upgrades.

(no matter what the particular situation is everything seems to work out with an updates or upgrades to make things so much better and easier)

So, as I always do in these particular blogs let me give a little rundown summary on what we have discussed thus far over the last few weeks up till the short break the previous week. So it all started a little while back where myself and a few other colleagues got together to learn about a perfectly laid out plan of what we will be working on over the course of the next few weeks. It all started with us coming together collectively decide to make a book on the intricate makings of Game Design and Development and as such we all had to choose two sub topics to write about for the book (as you know I chose the last section in Chapter 6: Indie Game Development and the beginning of Chapter 7: What is a Game world?) and that same week we also discussed a brief summarised version of what our research method was going to be like. For the following week we have discussed more of an in depth and detailed version of our research methods for writing this book sections and topics and how we have ways of holding sources using the interesting and impressive Arts Matrix to hold references for when we get down to writing our topics (it has helped immensely in the writing that I have done so far and will continue to do over the course of the next few weeks when I have the time and not working nonstop in my job as this lockdown made things super challenging and getting other modules done and let me tell you chaps I have not had enough sleep or even time for myself in months). From there it was then that we analysed our research that we had found at that point to discuss the topic at hand and see if the research can be very beneficial or can't be really used at all and trying to create a basic layout of how you will present your writing topics by using your research questions or topics as paragraph headers. From their (and as the first part of this two part like blog) We discussed the importance of the guts of anything which is the body paragraphs which is more important then the likes of an introduction and a conclusion and this goes to anything written or not (whether it's writing a book, a letter, an email or some other personal stuff that I don't want to bring up or talk about because it will lead to some stuff and that is for a different place at a different time). It was also here where I discussed with the other fellow chapter contributors to discuss what research questions or topics they are writing about for their sections so that we are not writing about the same thing (more on that later). Lastly we have discussed the importance of the opening and closing of a writing section and how it must differ it is is the start or end of a chapter and that it can sometimes have to connect in some way to the next topic in the chapter (with any writing it always has to connect, that's what all those years of higher level English drilled into my head told me and it has helped). So, now with that out of the way let's get to the topic of discussion of the likes of upgrades or updates to certain topics if necessary.

Continuing on from the first part of the body paragraph reading, it was as I said the most important part to any writing or at all for that matter whether it is a book, letter, email etc. The body paragraphs should always be the most content filled section then anything. However sometimes in certain aspects the likes of a body paragraph could be seen as possibly having too much content in it or it may be a little too short and that it is always down to upgrading or updating your content. Let me give you an example. So in between my constant shift in work as of the last few weeks and in between other work and other personal things, I have so far completed two versions of my body paragraphs for the Indie Development section and I am currently planning out the other two paragraphs of that section and also the paragraphs of my second topic. With the first two paragraphs completed they consist of at least 1200 words in the first one and the second being not too far behind in word count. Now I have sent one as an option to look at to make a feedback and I will send off those other paragraphs when I can for some feedback to some other colleagues. The reason I will essentially send it to others is to get an idea of how I know whether or not I have done enough content and research for a particular section or if I need to change some stuff by adding or taking stuff out and making sure that it builds out well for my sections of the book and that when I get to writing my Introduction and Conclusion that they connect smoothly into the body paragraphs. That is why the importance of updating your body paragraphs and getting some feedback to it will be helpful to find the clear understanding and where to fix it up overtime to make it the best it can be.

Before I finish up here I want to give an update on what I discussed in the previous part of the body paragraph reading blog and that was on the topic of getting information from the other chapter contributors. So when I first wrote that chapter I had sent off the information of what my questions are going to be for my sections of the book I am writing. Out of the three people who I will be contributing to the chapters with I have only received a response from one of them and it has been a great contributor for that so I will know what topics to not make too similar to them so that it doesn't repeat itself. In terms of the other two I have talked with one of them but they didn't have the questions planned out as it was so I couldn't get any help from there and as for the other I don't know if I have actually met this colleague but if I do I will see what his topics are for the section and work from there.
(ever since this lockdown was put in place chaps, this has been what it's like getting work, part time job, assignments and mental health in check with the latter being a bit behind right now)

Anyway that is all that I have to discuss on this topic of working with updating my paragraphs to make them not too overly complicated, too long or too short and that it has enough content for the sections that it is a part of. Now if you'll excuse me I must be off as I have to my way to my job and sell sell sell and then plan out my other work as well so I am on top of that and then plan out a land plan for an island getaway for fellow visitors (by holly chaps I really need a vacation or at least a day off to recharge). So, I gonna leave it here and until next time

-Sam H
