"Unity"ing us all back together

'Unity'ing us all back together

Well Hello again to all you lovely Lads, Ladies, Chaps, Ol Sports and everyone else in between to another one of my hopefully glorious blogs of mine that you have come across and started to read. So as the title may suggest we are going back into the editing engine of the Unity Engine but it is not to learn how to make our own game but rather a new method of making an easy tester build that involves driving that could possibly lead to the creation of a kart racer. So without further delay let me get right into this.

(lets see what we have in store for this)

So, this time around Chaps we will be discussing the creation of some simple Unity Tutorials where we were originally creating an open world back in the first period of time that would help us to create our own game in the future. But this time we are creating simple designs using tutorials from Unity's own site and tutorials, so sadly it looks like we will be saying a farewell to ol' Jimmy Vegas, as he will be sadly missed but I guess we have to get our training somewhere. So in our first wave of tutorials we are going to creating a simple car, a bit of road, some obstacles and working it all together with the camera in the first part of this weeks tutorial.

(So everything is going to plan as it is from the end of part 1)

So for the second part of the 3 pieces of this weeks 3 hour plus tutorials we are learning to give our little truck that could the Need.... The Need For Speed as we use the powers of #C script code to help give our vehicle a heavy boost of adrenaline into its engine and make it move forward and to also have a physics piece of code so that when we come into contact with a light object (in this case being a few small crates placed on the piece of road) that it will move and fly all over the place to emphasise Physics and not make the most powerful crate in the world.

(one car, 5 crates, no time. the real question is..... do you feel the need?... the need for speed)

For the last part of this weeks tutorials, we've created the car and the stretch of road and we have implemented code to help make it move so what is it could be missing for this part of the whole tutorials. Well the answer to that is of course is to make sure that the camera doesn't want to make you throw your computer off of an abyss in frustration. What I have learned over the time doing this tutorial is that you can have more then one piece of #C Script for different aspect, one being for particular pieces like for a car and the crates and then you can also make one for your camera so that it will stay in a particular place of your choosing for in this case being placed always behind your vehicle so you can keep your eyes on what is coming up in front of you as you drive off into the sunset.

(we now be following right behind the truck and not being left behind)

So with every tutorial that I go through over the course of the last couple of weeks there is always going to be trial and error to every piece that I try to make. The one clear one that I have come across at home at the moment is to get an updated version of Unity on my Mac Computer as originally I was making my Own Game of Shimmer's adventure through the use of Unity version 2017.4 and then I see that I have to upgrade it by a year to 2018.4 so I can get the assets to use on my computer and let me tell you my computer wants to be a little bit of a whiny baby and doesn't want to install very quickly and I am looking into that, so at the moment I will wait until it properly loads, or else I will wait until I get my new Laptop to download it quicker or else try and get it down in a lengthy period of time in college but I will figure it out. But I am going to talk a little about some simple methods that I have noticed that these tutorials seem to make thing so much more easier to go through then from Jimmy Vegas most of the time as they would have both video versions but they would also simplify it down into text versions which are divided up into different sections and that they would have sections to tell you where you left off which make things very easier then it already was and I look forward to making more tutorials though this program and who knows maybe this be where Shimmer could make a triumphant return because I don't want to discard a perfectly good character design just like that.

Well that is all that I have to discuss for this week tutorials from the wonderous engine of the Unity Engine and seeing what we have store this time around when it comes to Unity. Now if you'll excuse me I have been working all day from a mix of my job and college so I need my fix of tea and then try and catch a train to sleepytime Junction. So until Next time.

-Sam H


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