U Need all this Info To pass the Year.

Well Hello hello hello to you all once again to CMS Classy Reviews as I continue on my journey though the land of game development and design and non stop excessive chin waggling in the process. So I am back here for another week of diving head first into the intricate and interesting world of the Unity game development engine and learn some more about the tutorials provided and will help me and many others become possible professional Gane designers. So let's not waste anymore time and let's see what I learned this week to hopefully help you too.

So the last 2 weeks of Unity tutorials made us learn how to implement and control a vehicle car and a plane and everything seemed to be very enjoyable and interesting to learn and work through. So now we have moved onto a new wave of game design to work through with seems more on the concept of player interaction with an interaction with a group of animals. In the first of the three tutorials of this week, we are given assets of some character and animal models and our first thing that we have to do is to work of the concept of the positioning of said assets and going from there. It's a simple tutorial but hey it can't always be Rocket Science.

(Welcome to Farmer Sam's Unity Farm, she may not be much but it's honest work)

In the second part of the three part tutorials of this week, we learn to put some positioning of the character, but now it is time to see some movement and it's time to send some pieces of food flying across our set piece. In the second tutorial we are learning to throw food projectiles in all different directions, starting with throwing it forward and be able to throw at at a simple push of a particular button and to make sure that none of the characters or Animals or objects don't go flying off into the Abyss below. Who knew this was how Farming worked huh?

(I have to say that Space Invaders has gotten really more stranger since I was a wee boy but I guess they have to try and keep it fresh)

In the last part of this weeks tutorials, we have positioned our animals, created shooting objects from out of thin air with your magic unlimited supply of food and making sure that your animals don't walk off into the endless void but now we need to make more life into our little patch of land by using specific code to help spawn many different animals and help give it so much more life. It may seem a bit outrageous, it may seem a bit unnatural, it may defy the laws of all known but as the Elegant man known simply as Jeff Goldblum would put it "Life, Um, Finds a way".

Of course there will always be some minor problem that comes with every group of Tutorials. Now there was no problem with Unity Versions, or even having the Time to get them done (I believe that I have the reigns of Time Control management in the palm of my hands) if there was any thing it was mainly in the last tutorial with the Script for the SpawnManager as it wouldn't connect to the empty object in my hierarchy as it was saying stuff about Monobehaviour (yet it was exactly the same as the other versions  but now it didn't want to make ends meet (and I had everything in the script as well but nope), if there is a way I will sort this out but other then that everything went very well.

Well that is all for our weekly trip into the World of the Unity engine for now but we will be returning to this tutorial sooner then you think. So I am going to head off now, I gotta catch a train to help me get some Z's. So until Next time

-Sam H


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