🎵I'm Absolutely Positive, that this should have a positive, body paragraph layout🎵

Well gooooooooooooddddd mmmoooooorrrrrnnninnnggg to all you lovely Lads, Ladies, Chaps, Ol Sports and all in between to yet another one of my long, elaborate, detailed and sometimes confusing to some blogs created and published by yours truly. So we are continuing on with our journey into creating a very elaborate book on all things Game Design and Development and as the title of this suggest (which is a play on words of a song created and performed by one of my favourite bands TWRP) today I am going to be discussing the Body of the sections of the chapter section that I will be writing about on my chosen topic, how I will incorporate the chosen topics into this section and where I will place them, how I will also incorporate my chosen resources from my search through my Primary sources to help to give more of an elaborate detailed chapter section and not just talking mumbo jumbo and I will also talk about my collaboration with other fellow chapter contributors so that I am not going to be talking the exact same thing when I get down to writing this section when they might have talked about the same thing. So let's not waste anymore time because it is time for this blog to be written and chin waggled.

(representation for how it is about to go down)

Now, so far we have discussed the basis of what topics that I am going to be covering and writing about in this collaborative book (Indie Development and What is a Game World) my early basic strategy of how I will plan my researching phase, the following week I went into more detail about the topics and the in-depth research I am going to take on when writing (using the Arts Matrix and using those sources to get some references for the sections of the blog (more on that later) and then just last week I went into discussion on the concept of analysis on the two topics and see where there are common themes and similarities between my chosen topics (and there were a lot more then I thought their would be), I looked at my sources and to see what could be altered or changed as they could be seen as Biased, one sided, fabricated or just plain utter non sensical Chin Waggling. So now we have reached the beginning of the nitty and gritty as it is time that we are beginning to at least make a start on writing the topics I have especially the main body of the two. However I am not going to go in blind and start writing and running rampant like a headless chicken because if I did that I gonna end up making something that is all over the place and non translatable. There is a process that I am going through as of right now that I planned out and I am going to Chin Waggle a proper explanation of my process before I start writing the perfect body Layout (well to me anyway and I hope to others too).

So my two topics that i have are actually part of two larger chapters and they are only little sections to the bigger picture. My Chosen topic of Indie Development is the closing part of Chapter 6: Publishing your game and My topic of What is a game world is the opening Section of Chapter 7: Game World. So in actuality I am working with a few other colleagues on different parts of the same chapter. What comes with this is the possibility of writing the exact same things twice or more or that the likes of our chosen topics don't overlap too much. So to avoid this situation is that I have gone ahead and looked to see which chaps that I would have to chat with or get in contact with to discuss the primary sources and their research questions that they will be using in their own writing, so I know what I will have to change or alter if any problems get in the way. Now I have not received any word back from the three other collaborators to the two chapters that I am looking into but I have sent off my Research Questions for these chapter collaborators and hopefully I hear some word back from any of them sooner or later but at the moment I will make some rough drafts and if I get any word back from the others then I can alter and then present everything that I have to offer.

Now, last week I also did mention of the concept of the layout that I will do for my section of the book. Using my sections of the previous blog, I will divide out my Research questions for each section in topic of the chapter. So for Indie Development I will start the body Paragraphs with How has the Indie Game industry shaped the video game industry as a whole, I will then follow this up with the concept of What is the difference between an Indie Game and a triple A game,  will then look into the concept of the different types of Indie Games and the creative bounds and finally ending the concept on How Indie have helped to change the world for the better, then just being a mix of pixels or polygons on a screen. As for the other topic of What is a game World, I will start with that actual question itself with the added concept of when and where was it first created and implemented into a game. I will follow this on with the question of what can count as a Video Game World and What doesn't and then I will end the body paragraphs with the concepts question of how has the concept of the video game world has grown since it was first created and how it has helped make games or certain games that so much more successful. Place them all together in the middle of those Chapter sections and write up an Introduction and a Conclusion and we should have ourselves a nice little sections on our hands for this book.

Now the last thing I want to talk about is the References that i will be using. Now I have touched on this in the previous blogs and I am on my way to getting a required amount for them to all work out together in the very end and I am gong to be frank I am not going to have them all in this one blog but I am gong to show a few examples in this blog and then by the end of the whole book writing process I will show the complete list of References with the help of the Arts Matrix to show a simplified version of my two topics and then the references for each of them. So here is a few for Indie and a few for Game World

(Indie Reference No.1)

(Indie Reference No.2)

(Indie Reference No.3)

(Indie Reference No.4)

(Indie Reference No.5)

(Game World Reference No.1)

(Game World Reference No.2)

(Game World Reference No.3)

(Game World Reference No.4)

(Game World Reference No.5)

Now with the whole thing of getting it done can be manageable, I just need to work around the other assignments, my changing schedules with Work and all around in General, I will get these references done before my sections are fully written and I hope that they will be helpful and don't cause me to have some health concerns by the end of it (this is a thing that did happen to me chaps) 

(How it feel like from everything I am trying to get done and then still questioning am I doing everything right)

Well that is all I have to talk about for this weeks blog discussion on the idea of planning out the body paragraphs, once these references are out of the way I will get a proper start on actually writing it but let me sort some other things out first. Now if you'll excuse me i am going to drown myself in some warm tea as i have a long old week and the rest of these reference are not going to find and write themselves. So Until Next Time.



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