Farmer Sam's Unity Barn part 2: Unity Boogaloo

Well hello again all you top hat lovely Lads, Ladies, Chaps, Ol Sports and everyone else in between to yet another dabble and often times overstretched blog created by yours truly. So as you can probably tell from my very odd titles (and I go all out for puns and things to relate to my blogs and this is an attempt after going through many different emotions from just the last 24 hours but I am not getting into that right now..... maybe later) that yes it is time to dive head first back into the world of the Unity Game Engine and continue on from the previous Unity Tutorial blog as well as another challenge... so let's not dilly dally and let's get making.

(let me put on my overalls and let me get back to toiling the fields for another long day on the farm)

So this weeks tutorials brought with it the whole return to the weird space invaders clone involving a farmer shooting weird food stuff and endless walking animals. I mean sounds like the average day on the farm for me. But now we are about to learn that even gods can bleed as we not given the power to spawn them using our own command but rather we create a stampede using a unique step of code in the C Script that will help to create a slew of random spawning animals at certain time delays. But sometimes we need some food to survive and we are constantly just throwing food that we are feeding to the animals, but now we use food to defeat the food (this sounds like it makes no sense but it does). to do this we use the use of C Script code and manipulation of the space that surrounds the animal models so that when our projectile comes into contact with a moving object that when it hits it accuracy at them that they will disappear into oblivion just like that. However since this is a game then it could lead to the concept that as the old saying goes "if an animal gets through, then no dinner for you" (I mean it is a well known phrase to many). What I mean by this is that we will create an event that will trigger a game over sign if too many of the animals get past you because you were not fast enough to catch some dinner. Sure it may seem humane but I have been told by my legal team to say that "no animals (real or in game) were harmed during the making of this Unity Tutorial" just to clear it up.

(Things look all calm now but let me tell you an attempt of a storm is coming)

So for the second part of this weeks tutorials we have decided to take a step back from all the commotion of trying to stop the multitude of animals all rushing at you all at once and sometimes you need to relieve the stress, then what better way to relieve all the stress and tension of the hard day on the farm then by playing a nice game of fetch with Man's best four legged friend of a Dog (I need a tiny dog of my own to help with my uncontrollable mental state). However the balls that you will be throwing for your furry little friend isn't from your character but rather they are falling from the sky, but at the beginning of this whole thing is that Dogs are falling from the sky (So I guess the whole concept of raining Cats and Dogs is an actual thing now). Through the use of learning from the previous tutorial we have to learn to change the dogs falling to being tennis balls falling from the sky, our weapon of choice is Dogs, the Tennis Balls disappear when they come into contact with the Dog rather then near the Animal, The missed Balls don't endlessly travel off into the never ending void and that they disappear when they hit the game areas edge, We are only getting one type of ball spawned where we would like to have 3 different styles at the same time, and then having a bit of delay with the falling object and an endless supply of Dogs as Ammunition (I know that this may be what it reads or if I am absolutely drained from energy from not having any time to myself and need a  day off but this sounds weird but hey the most enjoyable games to me are always the weird gimmicks). Again let me specify that No Animals were harmed in the creation of this challenge.

(you know if the characters were not just knock off versions of Steve from Minecraft and had very durable arms and two more walls you can create a very interesting version of Handball)

Now with every tutorial that I go through their is always a problem that comes with the tutorials. Now the biggest one that is the biggest head scratch is that no matter how long I have been trying to break down these tutorials and get this one to one there is always that one thing that I think that I have been following the Tutorials to a T and yet I am getting this:

( this has been the thing that has broken me besides many other things)
I have gone though hours of trying to find the problem to this situation including re typing the code from the previous weeks tutorials and trying the new code and even tried to search for some answers on the inter webs Chaps, but even Google doesn't know what is causing it. One of the things that it says is that it is an Assembly.cs (yet their is no mention of that as I have it down as a MonoBehaviour script so I don't know), if there is a way to solve that without me Grabbing my Computer and throwing it out the window then I need it (sure I can get help from somewhere but I have spent way too much longer then I should trying to fix it) but all in all it was fun to try and challenge myself whenever I can and improve my Unity skills.

Well anyways that is all I have time to talk about this week in the strange annoying yet enjoyable world. Now this is where I will leave you for now and if you'll excuse me I have to head off to hopefully be casted as an extra in a big budget film that is written by and starring a man who played a version of the Caped Crusader (Ben Affleck) and a Man who has been to Mars (Matt Damon) and Directed by a man who told us that In Space no One Can Hear you Scream (Ridley Scott) so hopefully with the added bit of writing a book on Game Design (more on that later in the week) and sorting out a personal thing I want to achieve by the end of this year, I could be in a film as an extra (when I read the description of the type of person they are looking for and I apparently fit the bill strangely well) and make 2020 a much happier year that could cancel out all the bad and really hard times that I went through from the previous year so wish me luck. But as always, until next time.

-Sam H.


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