"Unity"ing us all together till the very end

"Unity"ing us all together till the very end

Well hello hello hhheeellllloooo there to all of you lovely ladies, lads, chaps, ol sports and to everyone else in between to another one of these deeply written yet very over exaggerated blogs created by yours truly. So, we have reached the end of another section of a weekly concept that you have been through these last few weeks and now we have reached the final blog of this concept for this season and that it is time for the last edition into our deep dive into Unity and how this one can give an understanding of how it can unite us all in the end. So, without further ado let me get to chin waggling and take one last jump into the world of the Unity Game engine (for now).

(Let’s do this one last time for old time sake)

So, like the last two versions of this Unity blog this one will the last part in this non confirmed trilogy which see’s myself going off to find some video tutorials of my own that will help me when it comes to creating some more items for my blog (which may be a bit of a lost cause a bit but I think I can at least try some of them to help. So I have scoured and searched far and wide and this is what I have found for the last Unity video Tutorials:

1. Let’s build a rocket and become a Rocket Man

So this is one of the first of the tutorials for items for Blender to make and then implement this into Unity to make it all work out. This is actually part one of a two part tutorial of a lengthy step by step progress to building myself a spaceship and hopefully I can model it into different designed ships for all the members of the Star-sea Dream-walkers.

2. How to make a rocket ship 2: Galactic Boogaloo

So the second video is actually the second part to the Blender Tutorials of building a Rocket Ship that we can send into Outer Space, to find another place beyond the returned stars (if it needs be in the future sequel (but I am getting a head of myself)). It must be hopefully something good to build out of it as it is a tutorial that goes over nearly 2 and a half hours but it is probably worth it.

3. How to make a rocket ship on a time crunch

I thought to myself when I came across the first tutorial videos to make a ship in Blender and then implement into Unity and it was then realizing that if it got to a point where I wanted to make one in a short amount of time then it was when I stumbled across this and if it needs be then it might be able to get it done in time.

4. How to make a vast background of Space and stars

Now in terms of Unity tutorials then it is time for the concept for the idea to talk about the concept of making something that could work with the idea of helping NPC’s with their dreams or to tease the end and the infinite number of possibilities for future adventures as we head out into the endless sea of space for adventure and to truly be a dreamer among the stars.

5. How to make Fireflies and other small lights in Unity

In the last of my tutorial videos that I have come across, I though of some assets that I could add to some sections that were already established in the game and wouldn’t need established assets or any textures that will burn a hole in my pocket and that was these little Fireflies that will be a nice effect in the region of the Gemstone woods that may help to bring light to the spooky woods (Maybe in a lantern as well) and maybe possibly as a section in Moonlight Meadows and near the end of the tale  and it is these little flickering lights can be something small but can bring a little bit of life to this world.

All in all I think that these video tutorials that I have found have been very helpful to me to make at least something or anything for something to implement into my game concept that I may know will not be fully complete or have much too it but I would still call a work in progress of a continuous dream vision. So that is all I have to talk about for this last Unity blog for now so until next time.



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