It’s all about “Beta”ing and switching them into investing in your work in progress game concept

“Beta”ing and Switching them

Well Hello hello hello there again to all of you lovely people including the Lads, Ladies, Chaps, Ol Sports and everyone else in between to another little journey into the world that I have in my mind and what I talk about a lot with my own thoughts (I really need a life or a relationship at this point) but it is time that I take you on a little journey into my own game concept that what it says on the title should be in my Beta stages of my game but I will get into that as I discuss what I have gotten done in my Game concept in building my world and what else I have created in the span of my free week (I feel that some pieces that kind of tie into actually teasing my game in some what tie in advertising) and I will discuss about what I will show off in the final one of these project discussions in the big blowout discussing the characters, their designs, inspiration and the personalities of the characters (which include the design of my Final 3 main characters of the Star-sea DreamWalkers and even the designs of some of the fellow people that you will come across in the game (I will go in depth in something that I was discussing with Fellow Colleagues and Bloggers and I will tease it in this shorter blog then normal but just a little)). I will also show off some development of building upon the idea of some ideas that I have and what I have created so far and at the end of it all a I will discuss the challenges that I have faced in the past week or two and what I hope to achieve in the last few days of this first phase and then tease a little of discussion of what I will do for the Future. So without further ado, let me do what I do best and let me get to excessive Chin Waggling in this slighter shorter blog.

(Visual Representation of how I saw myself of getting work for this and other stuff done)

(Visual Representation of what I am in right now getting everything done to the point where I have made some visits to the hospital due to trying to get everything done)

So in terms of giving a rundown of what exactly I will discuss that I have for the Beta blog and it will be as such:

-development of Characters and a little brief on their personalities (and a little update on creating at least Shimmer in Blender)

- Some progress of building some part of the world that I have created from my concept into my “work in progress” (I don’t think I will have a lot of time to create a full world, write the story, implement the stuff  (mainly two areas of Moonlight Meadows, Gemstone Woods and possibly mount Silk Sheet Peaks with it being a little bit smaller then it seemed to be but I make an honest effort either way)

-some small discussion on the likes of promotion for my Concept (basically advertising like concept)

-some stuff in the challenges and difficulties I have faced since the Alpha project blog

-what I hope to have done by the end of the whole thing next week

-lastly the future of what I hope to establish and make of my concept in the future (Maybe something with those I have discussed just a little bit earlier)

So let me get started with:

Developing out the characters

So I will not be too long on this section as I am only going to give a brief little info on this characters personalities and I will go into more deep with the descriptions of all the main characters in the big old final project blog in the last week for all of you chaps for a big old season finale like blog (yes the metaness continues for all of the lovely people reading) so let me give a little bit of descriptions of the characters as well as hinting of the looks of the final Star Sea Dream Walkers and maybe some Wacky inhabitants of the world:

(no.1: Shimmer)
Name: Shimmer
species: Non specific Elf-like creature
Age: between 10 and 16 years old
personality: Cheerful, shy, friendly, comforting, adventurous 
Bio: the hero to this epic journey and story that started with just wishing upon a large wishing star in the sky in hopes of figuring out what their dream is and turning into a large adventure to figure out what is causing all of these falling and disappearing stars and their wishing star being taken.

(No.2 Daipop)
Name: Daipop
Species: Humanoid Dragon 
Age: could be around late teens or early 20s (ancient old age in this world)
Personality: brawler, kind-hearted, aggressive and strong
Bio: the leader of the Intergalactic scape group known as the Star-Sea Dream Walkers who have come to this planet of our main hero to figure out this strange occurrence involving the Stars. He may be a big brawling man but he is a big softie deep down to those who don’t push him over the top.

(No.3 Reidabas)

Name: Reidabas
Species: a little horned Wolf prince
Personality: rebellious, anxious, adventurous and heroic
Bio: the second in command to the Star Sea Dreamwalkers, this wolf isn’t only a second in command but is actually of royalty with being a prince of a distant planet in the K-9 quadrant of deep space that can show his rebellious and adventurous side while also showing his fancy side too.

(No. 4: Mr Atrax)
Name: Mr Atrax
Species: Humanoid Spider
Personality: mean, nasty, dastardly, fancy
Bio: the bad villain of this story. This humanoid spider creature comes dressed for scheming in his fancy silk suit and top hat. He plans to take the stars for himself and use that power to create all of these powers of evil and become a sorcerer if these peaceful lands for evil.

So in terms of the concepts of what the other characters are going to look like the next member of the SSDW of Elmto Loweger will be a special species of elf creature, the 4th member of Aballe will be this grand wizard who is part unicorn and the last member known as Mythicise will be this species that can for you to find out as  she will be surrounded by mystery being that she’s hides herself behind later of cover excerpt for maybe one or both of her eyes and just a hint ignored long hair and some small pointy ears but all will be shown in one final blog next week (even if it not given an option to need to do one but I might as well)

Constructing my so called work in progress and my method of advertising 

So let me also give a little bit of a description into how my game has come along in the last few weeks. So the last time that it was discussed for my blog it was to be in the stage of being in an alpha stage and now should be in the beta period as of right now but I feel that with my vision being so big that I would have to call it at best right now in the final hours a major work in progress but still will make an honest effort with what I made in the free time that I have made to do some pieces (more on this later) but in what I could do in Times that I could I have made some efforts to build some bits to the game and visual represent what I have made through some screenshots of some progress deep inside Gemstone Woods and the concept of the moonlight meadows and kings of the version of Ann idea of the location of Atrax’s lair being in the mountains of Silk Sheet Peak Mountains and I hope that someday that it will build upon that in the future (I will hint on this later in this blog and then more in-depth in the final blog next week as well as the hopefully created poly version of my character of Shimmer as that is also still a work in progress:):

(Now you may see little Orange squares all over the screen but they are actually a large cluster of little Fireflies that will shine off the gems of Gemstone woods to give them light and bring magic to the dark and spooky Forest)

(it may look small from this perspective but it is actually the beginning of the creation the massive lake found in Moonlight Meadows that Shimmer at the edge on a tree stump to reflect on their journey so far to get back the stars from an unknown force and menace) 

(yes this may look like the plain old sky and the generic sky box but if I could explain it to you it was originally supposed to be set with a dark night skybox to help to give the emphasis of what I am trying to go for but my Big old mac computer would not bring over those assets from the Assets store but I will look into bringing them in before I present this Work in Progress (hopefully)) 

(what is that in the distance but just the starting early concept of what I would call the mountains of Silk Sheet Peaks that will be where the dastardly villain will be lying in wait to be stopped by our little dreamer hero)

So I have also said at the beginning of the blog that I have made some form of getting my concept out there as a some form of Advertising my game through some ways of different methods. So I have done the whole advertising my game concept through the concept of word of mouth to fellow bloggers, groups and forum post to see what they thought of it and then I came across the idea of using subtle advertising to promote my game concept and it was through the idea of making my game concept. This was done through putting a concept of my main character and my world into a concept of an informational booklet about safety in terms of Road Travel and stuff like that, but the twist is that it is set in the game world that I am creating and I will compare between Fantasy world (the one I have created with my game concept to use in this) and Reality and how they can blend into a great world. I have some concepts to send to you to show it off including having the final skin colour of my main character (in progress of colouring at the moment) but I may as well show it off:

(here is a little bit of the colour scheme of the main character of Shimmer for the advertising and the game as well)

(this is the back cover to this informational booklet with Shimmer waving goodbye during a sunset at the edge of the lake of Moonlight Meadows)

(this is the front cover that will explain the informational booklet that will begin the adventure into an educational information of being safe)

I will hopefully show the rest of them for the final piece for that and everything else in the final blog next week.

Difficulties, Challenges and health concerning overworking Exhaustion

(yes I am question the over amount of stuff I am doing for everything and not having the time to stop)

Like with every week that I have made some progress with this game concept that I have come to the point that I will face some difficult challenges along the way. While the concept of finding the time to do some work in these readings, Unity and all that to build this game can be a true challenge in of itself but I can tell that there is another thing that has been a real challenge and that is the amount of work that I am doing that has myself concerned. Now I am one that will always make the strong valiant effort to make everything to the best I can (which maybe the likes of working myself to the bear bone and that seems to be what I have done to myself recently being so close to the end of this concept that I have reached a point of overworking myself to Physical Exhaustion and Emotional Exhaustion (but I don't know how to solve that, unless someone out there reading this can help) and has gotten to the point that I have collapsed now and again from the exhaustion on my body (doesn't help me that I am overdoing it with all College thing, these bee's knees blogs and my part time job on the long weekends) and have had possible anxiety attacks of overthinking a lot of things and that I need to find the time to relax (which seems to be very unlikely for the next little while) but for the last week of this project that the work in progress will be the best I can manage at this time and I hope that it can be good enough to continue at another time because if I keep pushing it I fear for what will happen.

Planning out the last week and the future

So for this last section I will be planning out the idea of what to do in the last week before I present this work in progress in some shape of form (maybe I can do more advertising my doing some makeup cosplay of shimmer in some way) but I will try and add some very minor pieces to the last piece before I will present it to the other fellow bloggers in hopes that it will intrigue them with what I have made an honest and valiant effort of a little piece of a bigger puzzle. As for the future well that is where the feedback for these final presentation of my work in progress concept gets and to put it briefly before I can bring it to full concept in the next blog that my game may get that little bit bigger then I originally thought it would. You will have to wait and see in a special bonus blog coming hopefully by the end of next week.

(hopefully it will all go well for me and as Captain Steve Rogers says "I can do this all day" and I would (but hopefully I don't to a point of possible health scares)

Well I hope that you enjoyed what I have discussed in this second to last blog of mine for what I call the First season (this should be the last confirmed one but I think that I have n=one more to talk about the Future (may take a little longer but I will post it) but I will be back soon, don't you worry all of you lovely Lads, Ladies, Ol' Sports, Chaps and everyone in between. Now if you'll excuse me I am going to head off to get some tea, try and reduce my level of work a slight bit and any way I can and then Take the Train to SleepyTime Junction. So until Next time.



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