Here Comes a Thought 2: Finding the time to relax

Here Comes a Thought 2: finding time to relax

Well hello hello hello again to all you lovely Lads, Ladies, Chaps, ol sports and everyone else in between to another edition to my new side series I like to call Classy Man Sam's Bite-Sized Box Office Blogs where I would do short sessions of Chin waggling for you all on some small topics that still have big impacts like my normal blogs. So, it's time we dabble again into the world of Mindfulness and the concept of H.E.A.R.T. and see what else I have learned since the previous discussion. 

So, before we get started I ask that you take a seat, put your body in a nice comfortable position that suits you best (whether it is with your legs crossed, lying down on the ground fully or sitting comfortably in a very relaxing chair and that I just ask that for just a moment that you close your eyes and breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth when you are ready and at your own pace. As you continue to breathe in and out of you mind I want to to just take a moment and think of the three important things of Flexibility, Love and Trust. The idea of Flexibility can be a different thing to each and every one of you and I want you to have a thought of what that might be that you can see as being something that you see as your easy solution to how you handle Flexibility in your life. Now I also want you to imagine something that you see as being that big brick wall that is stopping you that no matter what you try and do and what method that you feel that you will try or already try it just doesn't seem to work. But instead of just naming it I want you to imagine it as something small and simple but actually there is a large swarm of them that may come together to make a giant version of that one thing or else as a large swarm that will overwhelm you and make you worried about that one thing that may be not that big of a deal or may need to get closure on. In the last few months since the end of last year I have been in that since of just being swarmed by a lot of things that has left me with a large sense of dread and has given me a lot of pain in my life that even at some point I kind of hated myself deep down for not going about solving them. It was at a certain point where I was at a really low point that I needed to change that around and that is when I would start the deeper look into the concept of the meditation to help to find that with this large swarm that their is a simple solution to solving this and that is take the smaller stuff and handle them and build upon them until it gets smaller and smaller and smaller until everything becomes more clearer and more manageable and then they will fade away.

The concept of Love is also important and very essential to hold onto. It is what drives us to a lot of time to keep going even when the road seems tough or difficult to manage. It is important to have those you love close to you as it is important to have people there to help you when you need it most or when you need a shoulder to cry on. Personally I am that person that can be that person that is giving the support but also receiving it. The most recent was just earlier today as I was in work and there was a kerfuffle to the point where the police was called on us for something that wasn't our fault  but apparently to the customer it was like the end of the world. It had reached the point that it caused me to be very shaken up for the rest of the shift till closing and to the point where one of my supervisors was broken down to tears and very emotional and I knew that I had to help her make her feel better and that was all down to just a simple hug and it helped her a lot and it made the last few hours that much more easier since then. It is what I do best and it was what I do for anyone that needs it and I had it as well from people including my family, some very close friends and to someone who I saw as being the perfect person in my eyes that I know that I will never find someone as special as they were (I would get into it but that is only between me and them)(also I know that it seems a bit sad but to me when I feel that I found the one that is really special to me it is a real thing that brings a big hole in my heart that I feel may never fit something that special, but I could be wrong and I should try to be hopeful but to me it is very hard but I make an effort anyways).

Lastly with trust, it is important to have those when it comes to the like of Love and Flexibility to be trustworthy as well as it is important for everyone to have someone who you can trust. In Terms of making trust with others it is something that I see with those that I have trust in myself (in the aforementioned Friends close and all, my family and the one that was special to me ) that help with anything that I may have that I want to get off my chest and everything else in-between or if I need to let the waterworks flow (if there is anyone that is coming across this and reading this and comes down here and want to talk, I would be happy to talk with ya and see what you need to get off your chest and I need to let the tears flow to you, if you are okay with that of course?). It is also something that if you ever need it no matter what time of the day it is and even if I am busy I will always check to see if you need to get anything off of your mind chest or heart to help to lift that weight and don't worry I will keep it between us if you want it to be that way as I will always keep a promise no matter what (and if that does happen where I do mess up then I will take the full responsibility for it, so don't blame yourself, it will not bee your fault, it will be mine) and will always make the time when I have it (even when I am busy I will make the time to do so for whatever you need because making people feel better is what I am to achieve for whoever needs it.

So, we now have reached the end of our little mindful meditation session as I have given you an in-depth dive into finding the importance of looking deep inside yourself to help you find a way to clearing out all the cluttered thoughts and everything else to help you see clearer for what the future lies ahead for each and everyone fo you because I know that you are all heading onto bigger and greater things and I know that everything will work out in the end in whatever journey you travel on. But before I head off I want to give a little bit of a song suggestion that may not be mindful to a lot of it but I will explain why I chose it 

So this song is known as the Mystic Crystal by Comedy band and my personal Favourite band Ninja S** Party and it is in this song that is a 12 minute long epic imaginative tale of their journey to save a fair maiden from an evil Necromancer who has harnessed the power of the Mystic Crystal and they are sent from their time and reality to save the world from certain evil. While I have loved their song it is noticeable that a lot of their new song have gotten into the whole importance of being inspiring to many while also having the classic comedy that they have been doing for 10 years as of this year (also they are super awesome live and I got to meet them and just had a major fan girl moment). What I want to bring up is the last little verse that is important to me that is inspiring that I hope that people take to use for a sense of hope inside all of them for the future and it is these two part:


"Now fare thee well, it seems that our journey is at an end,
we will be here, if you should ever need our help again,


"We all have our Battles to fight,
and a crystal cage to break through in our lives,
but when hope is gone,
we will be there to help you rock the F**k on!!"

well that is all I have to say, now if you'll excuse me I am off to catch a train to SleepyTime Junction. So, until next time



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