What time is it, it’s Unity time: Unity tutorial 5

Unity lab 3: tick tock it’s a clock

Well hello again to my fellow Lads and Ladies to another one of my lovely little bit of a blog of chin waggling and just numerous levels of poppycock and what not. So it is that time again, chaps, it's time we head back into the complicated realm of the creation of a Game through the use of the Unity Engine, so without further ado, let me tell you what I have learned this time.
So, this one will be a short and simple blog on what I have learned this week. For this week's example on Unity, instead of making huge open plain environments, sharp pointy mountains or textured grass, objects or water, today we are focusing on one thing and that is the creation of a simple clock. A clock, mind you, that actually tells what time it actually is in the region you are in. It seems rather complicated doesn't it? Well Not necessarily for you see it is quite simple once you get the gist of things.
(just the early stages of any good clock)

So for this little tutorial, we unfortunately are not in the presence of the man known as Jimmy Vegas, but instead we are given the information to make our ticking clock by the help of a group known as Catlike Coding and their tutorials on the makings of items in Unity (if you want to try it out yourself you will need Unity, Unity Hub and bit of time on your hands and to learn to make it this tutorial https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/basics/game-objects-and-scripts/). What was very interesting to me was that it was like the tutorials and description of the websites coding that we our given in my college course in that they are enjoyable and fun to make. After my through read through of this instructional document on the makings of a clock, it seems very straight forward. If I had to say that their was any difficulties to this creation itself, it would be when it came to placing the hour indicators on the clock, it seemed a bit of a rough and tumble to line them up and get them just right so that it will all fit on the clock and they are all aligned correctly. Any other bits is the naming of all the objects on the making of the clock that it can get confusing which one is which, but it is an easy work around and at the end it is an achievement to feel that you have made something that seems so complicated to make look so easy.

Well that is all I have to say on the topic of Unity maker this week lads and ladies, and I hope that you can get something out of this yourself with trying the tutorial yourself in the future. So I am off, until next time.



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