The power of the Mindset

The Power of the Mindset 

Good day to you chaps, lads and ladies. I hope you are all having a stupendous day indeed. So while you will get an abundance of opinions and reviews on games down the road, I will of course talk about a lot of extra little quirky oddities to this blog as well. But don't worry, this old fancy gentleman charm isn't going anywhere, don't you worry about that. So I want to talk about a particular thing, that  I hope that will make you say "that opinion blog was truly the Bee's Knees". So today I wanted to talk about the powerful thing that is the Mind, more specifically, the Mindset.

The mind is a very strange and powerful thing isn't it. It sits there in our heads, looking all fancy and helps us with being able to function and live and would also give us some insightful thoughts and is the main vessel for the concept of creativity and insight. It is because of the brain that it helped us think of back when were a wee lad or lady about what we wanted to be when we grew up. Personally, this is part of what I wanted to be when I grew up and I don't plan on stopping it anytime soon.

However, it was never gonna be easy. Sometimes the path to reaching that goal or dream could be difficult and, sometimes, may even seem impossible to reach. This is due to the way that we learn and how the response to our effort is given to us. When we attend an education we all learn the basic stuff like reading, writing, numbers etc... Our educators would teach us in a way to help us have a better grasp and understanding on how it can be solvable and we take that on board. Yet sometimes, we might find or create our own way of finding the solution that may seem a bit off putting to others who focus on the one that they were thought. I know that I have dabbled into stuff like that in the past, and while you may not show it, deep down in your gut, you feel really bad for trying to find a new, creative way of finding a solution to a problem, when in actuality it should be praised for thinking outside the box.
If there was someone that I would recommend to help get a more of an in-depth analysis (after myself of course) would be the Stanford University Professor Carol Dweck. She explains in a quite splendid Ted Talk about the concept and elaborate ideals of the Mindset and how they help those who may have had a bit of trouble when it came to education, and it was all down to the simple word of "YET". The concept first struck a chord with her when she learned that a high school in Chicago had an interesting way of seeing how students would graduate through a certain number of courses and if they didn't reach that certain number of courses that they would receive the grade "Not Yet". She then goes on to explain that she conducted research on the concept of the mindset and how the though of creative thought, or in this instance, would be stepping out of one's comfort zone, and finding even more elaborate ways to go about it and through that it has helped them improve immensely. I was quite Gobsmacked and astounded of what became the success that it was and from finding her I really must thank her as it has helped me in the past. If it wasn't for her ideal concept on the mindset, I probably would've been too afraid to think outside of my comfort zone and I would've never gotten to where I was today and I thankful that I found her when I did.

Anyway I hope that this was an educational bit of information for you lads and ladies. If you are interested in some of Carol Dwecks work then check out her TED Talk on the Mindset ( And if you hunger for more on the growth of the mindset and your into the concept of creativity then check out this link if you seem you are hitting a brick wall in creativity ( or if you are looking for anything in particular then you check them all out here ( Anyway that will do it for me today lads and ladies, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off for tea and Crumpets.



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